Monday, December 17, 2007

Cast Party!!

YAAAAAAY!!!!! MY FIRST CAST PARTY!!!!!! It was a great hit! Although this was my first year in the drama club I got to host the cast party at my aunts house. It would have normally been held at brendan's house but his parents were having a christmas party this year and he couldn't do it. So I volunteered to have it at my aunts house with an indoor swimming pool, projector theater, pool table, bumper pool and more just in the basement. Everyone had a great time and thanked me at least three times before they left to go to after cast party-parties where I guess they could do other things they would not be allowed to do there. BUt near the end of the party before everyone left i dived head first into the pool with all my clothes on but sadly only four people joined me. Anyway that was about it. Everyone was insane with bumper pool, i had to teach them how to play. then they all left at about 1:30 in the morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the term unicorn i picked up from watching "gone in 60 seconds" its the term he uses for the car Elenor, aka the ford GT mustang, circa 19?? yea, its a good term.

love much.