Monday, December 8, 2008

OMG Pig Disection

Oh My God we have started our pig disection in biology class today. It is so gross!!! I normaly don't care about blood or guts. But when you see a shriveled pig fetus infromt of you and the indian teacher tells you to identify its sex and cut it open. You tend to be more or less apprehensive about it. My partner who was more squimish than me before the lab began did all of the touching while I sat and watched trying not to look away. I was not nausious but Icould almost not bear the sight of the teacher placeing our pig Pablo on his back spreading his legas out and squishing him down to make him flat was almost to much. I have watched and even helped my dad skin and cut the meat off of a deer, you would think a small pig would not bother me. but when the pig wasn't even born yet and is shrivled and the purpose of cutting it open is only to study and not for food just seems wrong even though I understand why this lab would be good to help teach us, it seems like a more fitting procedure for some who wants to become a surgeon or a some kind of doctor. Perhaps if the pig was not a fetus or it had died of more natural causes I would be a little less apprehensive about working with it.

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